This is an auxiliary page to The NoCeM Registry. This page was last modified 04 mei 2008. Copyright © 1997-2008 Rosalind Hengeveld.

The NoCeM Registry's Policy

Spoolability Policy
Issuer Listing Policy
Permissioner Listing Policy

Although amenable to Usenet community influence and consensus, this policy and the way we apply it ultimately reflects our humble opinion and judgment. If you don't like our policy, see NoCeM Permissioners for alternatives by others (and possibly a place for your policy, too); see also How to Use The NoCeM Registry.

We reserve the right to use our judgment in cases where criteria in this policy conflict with each other or would lead to an obviously undesirable or silly result. Also, this policy is evolving and we update it at times. The latest version will always be available from this page.

Spoolability Policy

For our default NoCeM permission file, we apply the following criteria for a permission entry of yes:

When in doubt

Issuer Listing Policy

We apply the following criteria to determine whether to list a NoCeM issuer in The NoCeM Registry:

When in doubt

Issuers will be listed on a basis of: when in doubt, yes.

Permissioner Listing Policy

We apply the following criteria to determine whether to list a permissioner – i.e., a supplier of a NoCeM permission file or of the information underlying one – in The NoCeM Registry:

When in doubt

Permissioners will be listed on a basis of: when in doubt, no.