This is an auxiliary page to The NoCeM Registry. This page was last modified 02 mei 2008. Copyright © 1997-2008 Rosalind Hengeveld.
Table headers | Hyperlinked text in a column header
of a table points to help on the column. Its wording
– except when just 'Help' – refers to
what any hyperlinked entries in the column body would point to. Example: Clicking on 'Policy Statement' in the header of the first column yields help on that column; clicking on a hyperlinked entry in the column body yields an issuer's policy statement. |
* | An isolated hyperlinked asterisk always points to a note. All notes to The NoCeM Registry are on one separate web page. |
Name | Issuer's real name or apparently preferred pseudonym. Issuers are listed in order of last name if present, else first word. See also our issuer listing policy. |
Policy Statement | When hyperlinked, the 'Name' entry points to a website version of the issuer's NoCeM policy statement, declaring their intentions and criteria for composing their NoCeM notices. |
![]() |
This mark in the 'Name', 'Issuer' or 'Type' field refers to the issuer or their type being newly listed in The NoCeM Registry. This means they will normally be listed with a permission entry of no. |
Date | A date in very small purple print in the 'Name', 'Issuer' or 'Type' field refers to the last NoCeM notice we have stored in our records (this need not be the very last notice issued). Same with a mark of ‘Apparently retired’, without a date. Absence of such a mark usually means notices have been appearing regularly. This only serves to keep track of issuers who may have stopped issuing a certain type of notice, or have retired altogether. |
The 'E-mail' entry is always a hyperlinked 'e-mail' and points to e-mailing the issuer at their preferred or best available e-mail address. | |
Issuer | Contents of 'Issuer:' NCM header, or a characteristic substring thereof (at most 20 characters long), as it may be included as a valid entry in our default NoCeM permission file. |
Type | Contents of 'Type:' NCM header, as a valid NoCeM permission file entry. This may be a wildcard '*' for 'all (other) types', but only in combination with a permission entry of no. |
Perm | Our default NoCeM permission file entry, according to our spoolability policy. See NoCeM Permissioners for possible alternatives by others; see also How to Use The NoCeM Registry. |
Criteria | Shorthand indication of issuer's
deletion criteria for composing their NoCeM notices, color-coded*: Green means consensus cancellation criteria only (with spam as of a threshold of at least 10*). Yellow means criteria over and above consensus, but fairly within consensus metacriteria. Red means criteria clearly over and above consensus metacriteria. |
Scope | Part of Usenet issuer's notices are normally targeting, e.g., 'Usenet' (i.e., all or most of it), a geographical hierarchy, or one or more individual newsgroups. |
FAQ/Charter | When hyperlinked, the 'Scope' entry or any part thereof points to an applicable FAQ or charter. (This may be written in a language other than English). |
PGP Key | Normally hyperlinked, 'Key' entry points directly to a web page from which an ascii-armored version of the issuer's PGP public key used for signing their NoCeM notices can be obtained. Our ascii PGP Keyring contains the public keys of all issuers listed with a permission entry of yes (in listing order). |
Permissioner | Permissioner's real name or apparently preferred pseudonym. After our default entry, permissioners are listed in order of last name if present, else first word. See also our permissioner listing policy. |
Spoolability policy | When hyperlinked, the 'Permissioner' entry points to a website version of an explanation of permissioner's policy or considerations for their yes/no permission entries. |
The 'E-mail' entry is always a hyperlinked 'e-mail' and points to e-mailing the permissioner at their preferred or best available e-mail address. | |
Characterization | Brief characterization of permissioner's policy, especially as to what may set it apart from that of other permissioners. |
PGP Keyring | Normally hyperlinked, 'PGP Keyring' entry points directly to a text file with ascii-armored versions of issuers' PGP public keys. Entry value is file name. |
Permission File | Normally hyperlinked, 'Permission File' entry points directly to a properly formatted, immediately usable NoCeM permission file. Entry value is file name. |
> Text | In the FAQ, text preceded by '> ' and thereby appearing quoted is rendered thus only for clarity and is not a genuine quotation. |
Levels of requirement |
In keeping with the wording in
certain FAQs, The NoCeM Registry uses in its policy
the following three levels of requirement, for clarity rendered in bold
colors*: 'must' is an absolute requirement, failure to satisfy just one of which results in not being eligible. 'should' is desirable, but short of being absolute as described above. 'may' is optional but will, as a rule, at least 'speed things up'; 'may not' mitigates mildly against. |
If you are a news administrator, we trust that you don't need the step-by-step instructions given below (in fact, we fear they may even insult you). We have added them primarily to show others how easily you can alter our default files for any points where you may disagree with our policy (which, after all, ultimately reflects our humble opinion and judgment).
Say that, for issuer Adri Verhoef, you want to honor his 'spam'
notices, but – for whatever reason – not his 'binary'
notices. To accomplish this, in issuer's section which reads:
nl-cancel@a3.xs4all spam yes
nl-cancel@a3.xs4all mmf yes
nl-cancel@a3.xs4all binary yes
Delete the third line, keeping only the first two. (Alternatively, change the third line's permission entry to no.)
(This assumes that, for notices of the type you want to add, issuer uses a PGP key which is already on your keyring. If this is not the case, proceed as in 'How to add an issuer' below.)
Say that you want to honor Kai Henningsen's notices for excessive
cross-posting. Add his public key to your keyring and add to your NoCeM
permission file the following line:
crosspost-stopper velveeta yes